Nifty Ten Fifty 2024 Results:

We had a perfect day for the Nifty Ten Fifty 2024. It was a smaller group as I'm seriously injured and didn't have the inspiration to promote the event but many hearty souls showed up anyway. And I thank you for that. Along with a very strong local crew we had a few notables show up. Katheryn Curi made the trip and was the fastest woman on the course with regular competition from the very fast Master's rider Jennie Phillips. I won't talk about age here but suffice to say both of these women are still competitive on a national level in their disparate age categories. The overall winner was a repeat of last year. James Kinney, 28, lit the course on fire again and set an unbelievable record on Marin Ave of 5:34. Frankly, anything under 8 minutes is extremely fast. I hope a few of you had the pleasure of watching James as he wisked by you. Even with age/gender compensation, and very strong riders like Will Harrower, Dan Pannell and the aforementioned ladies — nobody could not touch him. I hope everyone enjoyed the ride and had a safe outing. Below you will find a bunch of photos courtesy my good friend Hugh Rodman, and below that you can scroll down to a list of results, both with and without age/gender compensation. Thanks again for coming and perhaps I will be physically able to ride next year!
Katheryn Curi keeping puffy warm before the ride
Jennie Phillips with Mister Nifty
Dan the press man |
Morgan Griffin flying BBC colors |
Hugh Rodman supplied most of the photos seen here with Paul McKenzie |
James Kinney flies up Marin in 5:34 like it's nothing |
Preliminary results from Marin Ave. April 6, 2024
Marin Ave Age/Gender Compensated:
Thorndale age/gender compensated:
Claremont age/gender compensated:
Overall age/gender results:
Note: Since these results are age/gender compensated, everyone competes on a theoretical even playing field so of course these results do not include separate men's and women's categories. It should be noted that both of our top females, Jennie Phillips and Katheryn Curi were top pro level athletes in their day. James Kinney, overall winner at just 28 years of age, of course gets no age or gender compensation. He is an exceptionally strong pro level athlete in his prime and I hope a few of you had the pleasure of seeing him climb as he started well after everyone and set records on the course. To the rest of you, great job! And for the older and female athletes, I hope you enjoy the age compensated results with the ability to compete with any age/gender. For the rest of you 40 years old and younger males, your overall results without compensation are also included above!
Results are the sum of your placings in each category with age compensation. So if you win all three timed sectors, your score is 3. If you place 5th, 4th, and 3rd, your score is 12. Lowest score wins.
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